Heart Beginning's

"My daughter, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways." Proverbs 23:26

"The plan of beginning outside and trying to work inward has always failed and always will fail. God's plan with you is to begin at the seat of all dificulties, the heart, and then from out of the heart will issue the principleso f righteousness; the reformation will be outward as well as inward." EGW

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thoughts of Home

Date: 10-13-07

What is it that makes my stomach do a little flip-flop as I stand at the sink at the hospital house washing dishes? I think it's because I miss the running water, the kitchen sink, and the atmosphere of the kitchen at home. In the early morning when all I can hear is some bird chirping I close my eyes as tight as possible and try to imagine myself in my front yard. As I sat on the edge of the well this morning while the stars sill twinkled in the sky and my family slept in their huts around me I thought of home. How much do you let your mind run in its memories and cravings for home when reality is here...when there is so much joy to be found surrounding you? Joy in the creations of God, joy in His strength, joy in His comfort, joy at the people He brings into your life, joy in the packages that arrived yesterday. How truly blessed I am. Although it does not deny the feelings I feel when I hear the birds that sound like the ding of a microwave, when I eat the beans and chips my family has sent me, when I see the picture of Kevin, when I smell the burning of sandalwood that reminds me of camping, when James plays guitar Fri. night. All bring a longing for home and friends and family, which cannot be denied. It is something I must embrace, give to God, and then find joy in the new baby goat that bounces like a spring at my feet, throwing his little legs up into the air. Maybe I should get up and do same?


Ry Yeo! said...

i'm glad i know you eliz randall.

EMILY STAR said...

yeah liz, you are awesome! I remember thinking the same thing when I was far away...I wondered if it was even good for me to let myself miss home...I wondered if I should constantly distract myself...but somehow I liked thinking about home...but it made me homesick. i used to do random things to get my mind off of being away....and helping someone in some way was always an incredible outlet for me...I think it's amazing the things that are in your experience right now. So keep on going! Love EMily