Heart Beginning's

"My daughter, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways." Proverbs 23:26

"The plan of beginning outside and trying to work inward has always failed and always will fail. God's plan with you is to begin at the seat of all dificulties, the heart, and then from out of the heart will issue the principleso f righteousness; the reformation will be outward as well as inward." EGW

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Outdoor Showers, Little Holes, and Nalgene Traps

Date: 8-11-07

The interesting part of arriving at the hospital is that nothing ended up being like expected.. Sonya and I found out that we were going to be immersed into the African culture in a very real way. One of the Loma Linda Medical Students, Joe, who speaks French helped me carry my boxes to the Hospital's Cashier's Mud Hut home.there I met his family of 6 children and deposited my boxes in my new home. A Mud Hut which I share with two of the oldest girls. I'm afraid that I had envisioned something different than this, my shower, toilet, bed, concrete floor, American food, and English had disappeared. I crawled onto my cot after sitting around a lantern with my new family and tried to decide what emotion's I was feeling. Before I could decide though I received of gift of Cockroaches, thankfully I was surround by a mosquito net so I felt safe until I heard a buzzing and one hit my stomach.he'd gotten caught in my net. I grabbed my flashlight.and found him sitting at the top of my net. Should I grab him and throw him out? Nope, that would be disgusting! The next option my Nalgene, so his demise came to be a water death! I did not sleep at all that first night.I held onto my flashlight tightly all night, and every time I heard on crawling on the wall next to me or one flying by I turned on the light. The next night I realized it was ridicules and asked God to protect me.sound kinda silly.but I'm not to big on those little critters.maybe they'll grow on me, just like the hole I use for a bathroom and the large basket I take shower's in.

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