Heart Beginning's

"My daughter, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways." Proverbs 23:26

"The plan of beginning outside and trying to work inward has always failed and always will fail. God's plan with you is to begin at the seat of all dificulties, the heart, and then from out of the heart will issue the principleso f righteousness; the reformation will be outward as well as inward." EGW

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

In the Clear

The departure date is set for Aug. 6, exactly 21 days away. After much e-mailing and prayer NAD cleared both Sonya and I to spend next year in Chad. We are waiting on our Visa's from the Government then everything will be set. Now for the packing part of things, 100 lb's for 10 months goes fast :) One new and exciting development is that Martha Ordonez a close nursing friend from Southern will be graduating at Christmas and has decided to join me at the end of January after she passes her board's. We are both thrilled. There are three other student's who will be in Bere' for the next year, Sonya Reaves, Hans Fly, and an accountant. Sonya will be meeting me in Paris and is a social work major she will be working on grants for the hospital, continuity of care, and I'm sure many other things. Hans is a translator who was at UCA for the last couple months teaching, he was attending Walla Walla College and speaks Spanish and French. I know absolutely nothing about the accountant, but it will truly be a blessing to have them to spend time with when the homesickness kicks in. Thank you all for your prayer's and support. I'm excited to be able to share with you the blessing's and experiences that God has in store. Love and Prayer's, Liz


dj said...

Elizabeth, I am Jame's Webmaster for the Bere blog. I went to Bere in October of 2005. It will be the adventure of a life time for you. I hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted on your trip and your adventures. We will be praying for you.


Luke said...

Of course, you were right

Lorna said...

Hi Elizabeth,
My dad keeps a pretty exhaustive list of Adventist blogs. He already has your blog on his list. Check out the list at http://kennmakk.wordpress.com. It's on the right-hand side. More importantly you may find some encouragement there and meet others in mission who can encourage you too.
--Lorna Hartman

Luke said...

Liz, I am anxiously awaiting your first post from the other side. I hope you made it safely.

Rachel said...

Hey Boo, I've been praying for you everyday! I miss you tons, but I'm so glad that you're in Jesus' hands. So glad to here from James that you're safely in Africa!
Love you tons
Love Sweetpea