Saturdays outings are always a great way to get to know new people. This last Saturday I piled into a care with some newly found friends from the church we go to here, Advent Hope. This saturday adventure found us headed towards the desert...Joshua Tree National Park to be exact.

It was a beautiful sun-shiny day with a little bit of a breeze. Soon it felt like we'd known one another for ages...funny how hiking in the desert can do that to you. We hiked up to an old abandoned Gold Mine and then headed back down to do

some bouldering. There we couldn't resist playing with the

shadows on the rocks and proving our ability to be conquers of the boulders. We ended the day sitting on the pavement and on some gallon buckets singing and basking in the glory of Gods creations.
Claudio and Elizabeth posing with the Joshua Trees

Anybody want a warm BP+J?
Elizabeth climbin' high
Larysa and I finding shade in the Joshua Trees